Thursday, August 4, 2011

Simply Wonderful Time in Moscow

Well, we have been in Moscow, ID. for 10 days.  During these 10 days, we have met some of the nicest, friendliest, just genuinely sweet people!  :)

Not only were we parked to the BEST neighbors, (Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Rose!),  but we met a family that is just a gift from the Lord.  The Hennessey's also have five children and are a military family.  They were so welcoming; inviting us over for dinner and playdates for the kids.  Todd was fortunate enough to help work, replacing their roof, too!  Now, I know that might seem weird, that someone would WANT to work in the summer heat on a roof, but he was genuinely excited.  It is such a blessing to be able to serve your fellow Christian brothers and sisters.  Since we are traveling, and are not in the same church fellowship week after week, we do look for ways to serve or help or give.  Sometimes, it is something as simple as making a dessert, or picking up trash in the local Walmart, but we DO want to contribute and serve!  :)

Our 'campground' was actually the local Fairgrounds.  In our backyard, was this wonderful playground!  Every morning, they would turn on the sprinklers, so the kids figured out real quick how to take advantage of that!  :)

Our time in Moscow was unexpectedly precious.  We made life-long friends, enjoyed the gorgeous weather and were truly blessed by the small town hospitality.

Thank you Hennessey family for all you gave and shared!  We can not wait to see you guys again!


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