Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Laurel Falls

Is that the cutest face or WHAT!?
 Parker LOVES hiking.  He always wants to lead the group, too.  He will start off with his backpack with water and snacks, and after about 30 minutes, he is ready to give it away.  On a 2 mile hike, he will not complain until the last quarter mile, so when we decided to conquer Laurel Falls ( 1.3 mile hike) I thought he'd love it, right?

Well, the sign does not warn the hiker that the trail is 95% UP HILL!!!  That is great going back, but you have to get TO the falls first!  UG!

Parker and the Gang really did fantastic, considering how challenging.  :)

After a small break, we ZOOMED down the mountain.  Parker hung in there till the end, too.

Way to go!


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