Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun with the Zavocki Family!!!

We have wanted to meet up with this sweet family for the LONGEST time!  Well, it finally happened!  Not on the road, either, but while we are here at HOME!  HA!
They were making their way through Texas, and we hooked up last week! YEAH!

The Zavocki's invited us to the condo where they were staying, and we enjoyed a night full of swimming, (in a heated pool), sharing stories and advice, and a REALLY , lively game of 'Hide-n-go-Seek' in their cabin. :)

There is something special about swimming in February!  Yeah for heated pools!!!

 This BIG moth was 'hanging' out outside their cabin.  :)  I kept reminding Zach to leave it alone.....this one does NOT need to be dissected.  :)

Our sweet, little men.  ;)

Zavocki family, thank you SO very much for the great time!  It was such a blessing to meet you and share our 'stories.'  Hopefully, we can meet up on the road one day and conquer a hike together!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Emily!

We celebrated Emily's birthday while we were home and had a great little party for her.  She is growing up to be such a thoughtful, respectful and HILARIOUS little lady.  :)

Emily just cracks us up.  She can be so quiet and reserved, and then, when you least expect it, she will belt out a song from the TOP of her lungs.  HA!  Or she will say something so smart or funny.  She just makes me smile.  :)  She makes me so thankful to be her mom, too.

Happy Birthday Emily!  We love you to pieces!!

Hannah made her a sweet, homemade card.  :) (with some coins taped to it!)

Emily LOVES to cook.  She baked her own cake, because she LOVES to cook!  I was able to decorate it with these cute princesses and castle for only $7.00 at Walmart!  She loved it.  YEAH!

Singing, "Happy Birthday to you......"

Yeah Emily!!

She was so excited to finally get some of her own 'GIRLY' Legos!  :)

And, doll clothes!  :)

For each of the kids, we have a tradition on their birthdays.  I let them choose the 'menu' for the day.  Here is Emily's Menu:

Breakfast:  Cinnamon Rolls with Orange icing, strawberries, grape juice, sausage and donuts

Lunch: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Ham, Fruit Salad and Purple Gatorade

Dinner: Hot Dogs and French Fries

It was a special day for a really special little girl.  :)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

There is a special man in my family's life, who has the charisma of John Wayne. (He even totes around rifles, pistols, and any other hunting gear needed at any given time.)

He is thoughtful, sensitive and imaginative.  Almost sounds too goo to be true, right?  Well, that is exactly who Grandpa Golden is......absolutely....positively......AWESOME!!

This creative, selfless man literally built this 'tank' for my kids in one day!  So cool!  
They were preparing for one of their fun-filled, air-soft- gun-wars, and he decided to do something pretty special. 
 He and Zach designed and built this in just a few hours.  :)

There is an opening for the air-soft rifle to shoot from, a plexi-glass window and plenty of protection!

Zach was SOOO proud!  We are so thankful to have such a wonderful Grandpa, who took the time, energy and resources to make such a special memory for one of his grandsons.

Thanks Grandpa!  We love you and appreciate you so much!

Happy Birthday!!


Monday, February 6, 2012


Just wanted to let you know that we have dropped the price on our Class A motorhome and the Toyota Sienna!!!  Below are the links to each of them on Craig's List:

Here is the Van

Here is the Admiral

Just a quick update on us, too!

We are here in Texas, hanging out, busy with school, and catching up with friends and family as much as humanly possible! :)  We have bought a "new to us" truck and a "new to us" toy-hauler.  We have been REALLY busy moving, cleaning, organizing and repairing our new home to accommodate this lively, seven-member family!  :)

Houston weather has been so gloomy with rain, so I have been waiting for some sunshine to share pictures!  Hopefully, I will get these this week!
